
Our contribution to sustainability

The issue of sustainability is extremely important to us. In catering in particular, we have the power to actively contribute to reducing CO2. We are already doing the following:

Our goal by 2025: 

Highest level "Swisstainable III - leading"

Garden Park Zug AG has decided to take part in Switzerland Tourism's "Swisstainable "* sustainability programme. To this end, we have already successfully completed the first of a total of three steps to "Committed" level. This means that we have officially committed to sustainability, carried out a comprehensive sustainability check and taken appropriate sustainability measures. As a next step, we will refine the programme with "ibex fairstay" in order to reach the highest level "Swisstainable III - leading".  

*Swisstainable, Switzerland Tourism's sustainability programme, is open to all companies and organisations in the Swiss tourism sector. At a time when guests looking for sustainable offers are often lost in the confusion of different certificates and labels, the main aim of Swisstainable is to offer guests more guidance.

  • Flexitarian cooking

  • Priority on regional products

  • Minimization of food waste

  • Responsible consumption

  • CO2-neutral heating and cooling

Flexitarian cooking

We focus on vegetarian and vegan dishes. Meat and fish are side dishes at best. Our contribution to more sustainability starts right here, on your plate.

Favouring regional products

We pay attention to regional ingredients and adapt our dishes to the respective season. We do this to avoid long transport routes and to strengthen added value in the Zug region. We also cultivate our own herb and vegetable garden.

Avoiding food waste

In our restaurant, we attach great importance to appropriate portions in order to reduce food waste. Our flexitarian cuisine enables us to utilise surplus food creatively and sustainably.

Consuming responsibly

We make sure that we use biodegradable packaging made from rapidly renewable raw materials and recycled products wherever possible. Environmentally friendly and professional disposal is also a top priority in our operations.

CO2-neutral heating and cooling

We use energy and water resources sparingly and strive for constant optimisation. For example, we already heat and cool our building almost CO2-free with lake water from Lake Zug. We also use electric vehicles and bicycles as often as possible. We offer our employees and guests e-charging stations with exclusively green electricity.

  • Great place 
    to work

  • Your location for events 
    & celebrations

  • We give importance
    to sustainability